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Youth organisations and programmes can empower, connect and create lasting positive impact and opportunities for young people, practitioners and organisations.

We recognise and celebrate the impact youth organisations have on the professional and personal lives of young people.

We want to challenge organisations and young people to collectively and creatively develop opportunities for young people from low income and ethnic minority backgrounds

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Shola AML Operations and Financial Crime Compliance Consultant ‘ I joined Cityzen from the age of 12. I went from stopping by the office to say hello to my sister, to dropping in at meetings, to eventually organising my own community events. A favourite memory I have of Cityzen was when I planned a talent event. I learnt how to manage events management, budget and recruit others through outreach - it was challenging and so much fun. It was a great way to spend the summer- gaining experience and skills that have shaped me in both my personal and professional life’


Daniel Consultant - Involving Young People Collective As I entered my final year at university, I joined @Uprising_uk Environmental Leadership programme. I joined because the programme offered invaluable opportunities to meet and learn from an array of leaders in the sustainability sector. I also had the unique offer of a professional mentor, who supported me during the tricky transition of graduating and going into the world of work. The experience boosted my confidence and capacity to envision a career for myself in the sustainability sector. I am currently working at The Listening Place, a charity which provides face-to-face support for those who feel life is no longer worth living. I am also a member of the Involving Young people Collective (IYPC) at Esmeee Fairbain. The collective is working with Esmee to reimagine how young people are involved in their decision making processes and collaborate with young people as leaders that create the change that they want to see.



Samuel Project Systems Engineer & Esmee Fairbairn IYPC member I joined @IntegrateUK 2 years ago. I joined because I wanted to have an impact on the fight against violence against women, FGM and Racism. By being part of @Integrate UK, I have gained the confidence to contribute to a better society through working on projects with @BristolMuseums in order to decolonise the museum, @bristol_equity focusing on providing a springboard for students from BAME communities and @bme_in_stem as an organiser and facilitator to discuss the lack of BME students and academics in STEM subjects. Since graduating as an MEng Aerospace Engineer, I now work full time as a Project System Engineer. Alongside my job, I am a member of the Esmee Fairbairn IYP Collective where I contribute to making the foundation a more youth led and youth empowered organisation. I have started a podcast @4missingpieces where I discuss issues, pop culture and individuals who are doing well within the black community.


Floree Consultant & Park Ranger During university, I was involved with #AIESEC, the largest youth-led organisation in the world, that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural internships, with a focus on empowering young people to make a Progressive social impact. I joined because Academia didn't suit me at all and made me realise I needed to develop a different set of skills that play to my strengths. I also realised I wanted to have a job that can bring positive change in the world, rather than working for something that is part of the problem. My involvement with AIESEC was key to my career development because I learnt what it means to be a leader, how to design and facilitate workshops to support people with their personal development, how to be coach, and gave me insight into organisational development and growth. But most important, it gave me confidence... because I had the opportunity to meet people like me, who against all the odds, made it and were changing the system in the most beautiful ways. I currently work as a consultant with a few organisations, including @HUDL. I am specifically interested in innovation tools and systems change methodologies that can tackle and solve complex social and environmental issues. I also work part-time with @Londonnationalparkcity coordinating 54 Rangers across the city who are making London greener, healthier and wilder.



Busayo Project Manager and Founder of @impactblk I joined CityZen in the winter of 2003. I still remember walking up Hackney Road after college looking for it’s obscurely placed office. I joined because my friend told me that I could earn decent money doing what at the time seemed could be honourable work. It was honourable and practical we were supporting young people to around East London to learn important things about themselves and their place in society. Joining was a no brainer for me. I was going learn, have an impact on my community and someone was going pay me for that? I was in. Truth be told. I had to do a fair bit of training before I started getting paid but it was all worth it. 17 years on and I’m still using some of that training today and I don’t mean that figuratively I literally used some of that training a few hours ago. I’ve got jobs based purely on the experiences I had at CityZen and on top of that got to met some fantastic characters that I still love and respect.


Thalia Student, Advocacy Academy Alumni and Esmee IYP Collective member. (she/her) In 2016, I joined the @advocacyacademy Social Justice Fellowship. At the time I was starting sixth form and I felt that the education system did not present me with many opportunities to express myself or air my concerns.  Taking part in the fellowship allowed me to channel this frustration into something productive, and I have been using these tools in my everyday life since. Being involved with @Advocacy Academy influenced my decision to take International Studies at university - taking an interdisciplinary approach to the problems that we face globally today I am currently in my final year of uni and a member of the Esmee Fairbairn Involving Young People Collective. I am also one of the first alumni trustees on the board at The Advocacy Academy and co-organise the Climate Justice Collective of alumni.



Helen Action for Conservation Trustee, David Luke Champion of Change, FSC Darwin Scholar, Esmée Fairbairn IYPC member I joined @action4conserv when I was 15 as an ambassador, and I progressed to become a Trustee. I joined because I believe young people have a unique and valuable perspective in tackling global issues. In both roles, I have helped to empower young people to have a voice and make a difference regarding environmental issues. Over time I have developed skills in leadership, communications, systems analysis, and development of organisations, and also learn’t about the key factors influencing the operation of a charity and its impact within society. I have since contributed to the development of @defrauk 2030 Vision, spoken at conferences and events, lobbied MPs and led environmental projects within my local community. My community-based conservation work resulted in me being awarded a Field Studies Council Young Darwin Scholarship and becoming a David Luke Champion for Change. I am currently studying A levels and part of the @action4conserv #penpontproject. I am also a member of the Esmee Fairbairn IYP Collective, which offers and amazing opportunity to ensure that the voice and experiences of young people drive decision making and change in the world of funding.


Remi Creative Director @topscreentv When I was in Yr 10 ( a long time ago I joined CityZEN a youth org in @Hackney. I heard about Hackney Summer University, joined as a peer motivator and had the best time and made great friends and built my self confidence. Honestly, looking back at it, CityZEN taught me how to be disciplined, manage my time, meet deadlines and how to deal with clients (back then it was a struggle) - all of the things I use daily in my career now! During my time in CityZEN I had the opportunity to test out my skills and interest in videography and photography, I went on to uni, studied film and photography #bournemouthmediaschool , graduated and went on to work on music videos for upend coming artists and producing short films for brands. Since my time at CityZEN I’ve picked up my bike and gone on to hitchhike across the UK to see if I can survive on the kindness of strangers, raising money for homelessness awareness. I believe more than ever in giving young people room to grow and the importance of being patient and allowing them to grow.



Betty Consultant - Esmee Fairbairn Involving Young People Collective I joined @AdvocacyAcademy, when I was 16 and I joined because I was angry. At 16, young people are aware of the systems of oppression that affect themselves and those that they love but, there is no given outlet in school, or through the ballot box to express what they feel needs to change. @AdvocacyAcademy has given me a home for all of my activist endeavours ever since. I have given a speech in Parliament on decolonising the curriculum to my local MP, organised and participated in campaigns that have got me into Westminister and I’ve have also supported residentials for @advocacyacademy cohorts after mine. These experiences have taught me skills in public speaking, leadership, organising and facilitation. I am now a Politics and International Relations student, supporting the production of a documentary on school exclusions with @EachOtherUK and in writers rooms with BAFTA-award-winning writer Adam Tyler. I am also a member of the Esmee Fairbairn IYP Collective, which has given me a fire for ensuring that the voices of those with lived experience are at the centre of decisions that affect them.


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